Kitchen Water Replacement Filters
Kitchen Water Replacement Filters
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Rebounding Exercise - Total Body Workout
The gentle bouncing on a mini-trampoline or rebounding gives you an easy-does-it, low-impact exercise that dramatically improves your circulation and works all major muscles groups instantly without any harm. And rebounding is a year round exercise that strengthens and helps cleanse every cell in your body.
The Needak Soft-Bounce Rebounder is long lasting, pleasant to use, and versatile. After trying many of the quality rebounders and imitation models on the market, we like the Needak Rebounder because its engineering, craftsmanship and the company's established reputation for superior customer service.
Large Jump Mat - The Needak trampoline is 40 inches in diameter and stands 10 inches tall. The Jump Mat is 28 1/2 inches in diameter giving ample room for exercises of all types.
Heavy Grade Springs - 36 specially designed 4-inch springs that deliver a pleasant health-building bounce that protects your knees and spine from injury. Needak® Mfg. innovated the Soft-Bounce spring which absorbs as much as 85% of the impact of each bounce. This is due to the unique barrel shape of the spring. The diameter of the coils increases as you move toward the center of the spring.
Quality Mat Material - Platform made from UV resistant Permatron, the only fabric that does not stretch or tear out. Part of the specifications for a perfect rebounder is that its mat will be sewn together using 5760 stitches of high-grade nylon thread with two layers of strong polypropylene webbing stitched around the mat's edges. This special platform material will also help prevent ankle injury.

Easy Storage - The mini trampoline from Needak is engineered with spring loaded collapsible legs for easy storage behind a door or under the bed.
Long Warranty - This rebounder is engineered so that the frame will never wear through and will last forever. The frame is backed by a lifetime warranty for residential use and the Permatron mat is guaranteed for five years.
Sturdy Design - The rebounder has higher legs to smooth out its power curve. The unit sits 10 inches from the ground and is built sturdy enough so that a 300 pound person can use it effectively, yet low enough so that a 6’ 2” person cannot hit a standard ceiling.
American Workmanship - Made in the USA Needak® is a manufacturer of rebounders -- and rebounders are the ONLY thing the company manufactures. Models available through discount stores or marketing/promotion companies are imported. We have control over all aspects of production -- they get the most inexpensive model they can (Generally quality is not an issue with marketers, only price). Needak Soft-Bounce Rebounders are made in O'Neill, Nebraska USA. American workmanship and quality materials provide you with the superior Needak rebounder.
Folding Rebounder
The Needak Soft-Bounce Folding Rebounder allows you to fold it in half. The folding unit is just as strong and stable as the non-folding rebounder with the added versatility of true portability. A carrying bag is included with the folding unit.
Non-folding Rebounder
The Needak Soft-Bounce Non-Folding Rebounder has a solid frame and legs that fold under the rebounder for ease of storage.
Color - Blue Edition
Needak Manufacturing is now offering the quality rebounder in a color other than black. The Blue Edition has the same improved jump mat, Needak's new mat cleat and newly upgraded sewing patterns as found on the popular black rebounder to produce the best jump mat you will find anywhere.
The Blue Edition rebounder is available in half-fold and non-folding models.
Stabilizing Bar
The Needak Soft-Bounce Folding and Non-Folding Rebounders have an optional stabilizing bar for people who are elderly, overweight or just starting an exercise program.
DVD on rebounding technique ($19.95)
DVD Immune System by Albert Carter ($19.95)
Lubrication Pack ($2.49)
Article by Dr. Tina Wellman from Total Health ($1.00)

All of the Rebounders Arrive to You Fully Pre-Assembled
Our Price Includes the GST (Goods and Services Tax 5%)
Price is in US Dollars
30-Day Money Back Guarantee
If you are not satisfied with results of using the Needak Soft Bounce Rebounder just return it within 30 days and you will receive a full refund.
Have a question about the Needak Soft-Bounce Rebounder?
Call us toll-free at (877) 454-9991
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This website is owned and operated by an Authorized Retailer of Needak® rebounders. Needak® Manufacturing shares no ownership interest in this website and has no responsibility or control over content, opinions, or healthcare advice presented or any financial or personal data collected through this website. Needak® is a registered Trademark of Needak® Manufacturing, LLC O'Neill, NE USA.