Kitchen Water Replacement Filters
Kitchen Water Replacement Filters
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is a typical workout like?
There is a lot of variety to the workouts so they are interesting and challenging. We start with a warm up and stretch and from there the exercises vary from body weight moves like push ups to team relays to working with light weights. No two workouts are ever the same. The routines progress throughout the weeks as your fitness level improves.
What if I am not in shape for your workouts?
That's exactly why we are here - to get you in shape. Many of the members are just starting to exercise or getting back into it. All of the exercises in our boot camp can be modified or tailored to your level of fitness.
Where is the boot camp located?
Van Horne Park - The entrance is off Route 206 (behind the Burger King) across from the Princeton Airport. We meet in the pavilion near the parking lot. Map - Van Horne Park
Who attends your camp?
Women and men who are ready to get in shape. Typically people are in their 20's, 30's, 40's and 50's and the levels of fitness vary.
Will I be sore after the workouts?
You will probably be sore after the first couple of sessions. This is a good thing - it means your muscles have been working. After the first week, you may have some mild muscle soreness from time to time.
What do I need to bring to camp?
Wear workout clothes that are appropriate for the weather, good cross-training or running shoes, water bottle and a small towel. Mats will be provided. Occasionally, members will be asked to bring 5 or 8 lbs (advanced members) hand weights.
And bring a good attitude to the park - it's mandatory.
What fitness equipment do you use?
We use the weights, fitness bands, medicine balls, cones, weighted vests, rebounders, stability balls, tires, ropes, mats and more.
How do I sign up for your boot camp?
You can go to the Registration Page, complete the form, select your camp and make your payment. There is a registration by mail available too.
How much does it cost?
The registration fee is $195 per person for the first month.
The boot camp meet three times a week. The sessions run on a monthly calendar - starting at the begin of the month and running to the end of that month. There are usually 13 sessions (sometimes 14) per month. The cost is about $15 per session ($195/13 session = $15 per session). This is a great value for instructed workouts that will really make a difference in how you look and feel. Compare this price to the cost of an experienced personal trainer at $65 to $95 per session.
When can I start the program?
You can begin at our next class or you can select your start date. Go to the Registration Page, select your camp and sign up. If you have questions, please call 877-454-9991 or send an email.
Do you have a refund policy?
If you register for our boot camp and you are unable to attend due to circumstances beyond your control, then we can offer a refund if you notify us prior to your session date. However we will charge a $30.00 cancellation fee. If we are notified after your boot camp begins, we can only give you a credit towards another boot camp. This credit is nontransferable. Credit is not given toward private fitness training. There is no cash refund after your scheduled boot camp begins.
What if it rains?
Healthy and Fit Boot Camp will go on as scheduled. There are pavilions in the park where we can workout under cover. Under extreme weather conditions like lightning or heavy rains and wind or snow the session will canceled and rescheduled shortly after usually the following day.
How soon will I see results?
Within two weeks you will notice that you are stronger, have more endurance and more energy. You should notice physical changes - losing weight, muscle tone and definition in about 3 to 4 weeks.
How long is your program?
Each session is one hour and we meet three times a week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. The fitness boot camp is on a monthly cycle.
What can I expect after completing the boot camp?
The bottom line is that you will look and feel better. Strength, endurance and flexibility will improve. As a result, you will have more confidence. Some members lose 4 to 8 lbs of body fat.Their clothes fit better. A lot depends on the effort and commitment that you put into the camp. The best results come from those who attend all the sessions, have a great attitude and effort, and follow the diet plan we give.
What do I do after boot camp is over?
You can continue to the next scheduled boot camp or you can perform many of the workouts on your own since they require minimal equipment.
Do you give any diet information with your program?
Everything that you need to put a healthy diet plan in place. There are recipes, shopping tips, important information on foods to stay away from and much more in the Resource Guide.
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© 2019 Healthy and Fit Boot Camp, Complete Health Network, Inc. All Rights Reserved.